Peer ment­or­ing "In­sight!" for fe­male stu­dents

The peer mentoring programme "Insight!" offers female graduates and students in the final phase the opportunity to exchange ideas with other female students about the prospect of a doctorate.

Ment­or­ing pro­gramme "per­spEkt­IveM" for fe­male stu­dents of Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing, Com­puter Sci­ence &

The "perspEktIveM" mentoring programme is aimed specifically at female students of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics and aims to give participants an insight into the scientific work and everyday research life of the "EIM" faculty.

Com­pat­ib­il­ity of study­ing and par­ent­hood

Studying with child(ren) harbours a number of challenges. The topic of reconciling studying and parenthood raises many questions in this regard.

Child­care at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Paderborn University offers a wide range of childcare programmes and placement assistance.

Chil­dren's hol­i­day camps

Since 1999, a holiday camp for children of university-affiliated parents has been offered directly on campus during the school holidays. The holiday camps are designed not only to make it easier for staff and students to reconcile work and family life, but also to help develop an interest in school among children before the orientation stage.