No wish­ing stars at the uni­ver­sity - Christ­mas cam­paign "Stars ful­fil wishes" 2020 on cam­pus can­celled

Since 2017, Alumni Paderborn has taken part in the Youth Red Cross campaign "Stars fulfil wishes" before Christmas. And with growing success: every year, more lovingly wrapped gifts from students and university staff arrived at the Alumni Office. Last year there were a fantastic 430 packages! 

This year, due to the Corona measures on campus, we cannot decorate the Christmas tree in the university foyer with golden wishing stars. However, we were very pleased with the many responses and requests that have reached us in the last few days. 

► The Red Cross Youth also had to reorganise and downsize their campaign, as it cannot be implemented by the DRK and the cooperation partners within the previous framework. So there will not be as many stars available as possibly desired. 

You can still take part in the campaign and choose and fulfil a star at the following locations in December. 

  • Ingos Spielzeugland (Von-Ketteler-Straße 49/Dionysiusstraße 2, 33106 Paderborn)
  • Eiscafé Paganini in the Südring Center
  • Marktkauf Hesse in Büren
  • Rewe market in Salzkotten


[Translate to English:] Keine Wunschsterne an der Uni: In diesem Jahr bleibt der Weihnachtsbaum im Foyer aufgrund der Corona-Maßnahmen leider leer. Sie können trotzdem bei der Aktion "Sterne erfüllen Wünsche" mitmachen: Alternative Stern-Standorte sind im Text aufgelistet. (Foto: Universität Paderborn, Alexandra Dickhoff)