Ger­man for in­ter­na­tion­al em­ploy­ees

Experience German together, broaden horizons, build bridges: Language course programme at all levels (A1, A2, B1, B2) for international employees

Do you not yet have any knowledge of German?
Register directly for the next A1.1 course. If there is currently no course on offer, please contact
Note: Outside the regular course times, we offer the intensive skills training programme "Arriving in Paderborn".

Do you already have German language skills?
An online test is required for placement. Please click here:

At the end of the test, your level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) will be displayed and you can register for the corresponding course.
If you are still unsure, please make an appointment with Sigrid Peitz.

Course level

Course start and end

Course information

Enrolment form
A1.2 29/07- 01/08/2024

In this intensive course we will complete A1.2 and cover the transition to A2.1.

We will consolidate some situations from A1.2 and practise new skills. We will try out new activities and talk about: leisure activities, everyday life in Germany, happiness, learning strategies, famous people, nutrition, friendship, health, pets. Situations from everyday life will be practised and applied. We will also look at structures so that we gain more confidence when talking to colleagues, new acquaintances and friends.

Individual counselling on the appropriate language course level is available on request (

Intensive week A1.2: Transition from A1.2 to A2.1

Please register here:

A2.1 09/09. - 12/09/2024

This intensive A2.1 language course integrates the topics and language activities of A2.1.

The aim is to complete level A2.1, depending on the participants' interest and possible time commitment.

Participants practise everyday situations in the learning group and are supported in improving their language skills according to their individual needs. The what (topics) and the how (structures) are practised in an action-orientated way.

Other topics include: Anglicisms in German, giving and taking good and bad advice, world-famous sports venues, profile pictures, small places of interest in Paderborn and the surrounding area, traffic jams in Germany

We will be happy to advise you on the best course level for you

Intensive week A2.1

Please register here:

B1/B2 02/09 - 05/09/2024

This intensive course is aimed at all employees with language skills at B level. During this speaking time on a variety of current topics, discussion and argumentation skills are trained. We practise different discourse positions and discourse plurality. In addition - depending on the individual needs of the participants - there is action-orientated, cooperative training of vocabulary and structures.

Participants receive a link two weeks before the start of the course in which they can co-decide on the topics and content of the speaking time so that the course can maximise their interests.

We will be happy to advise you on the best course level for you

German course - Intensive week B1/B2 - Speaking time

Please register here:

If the course you need is not offered, please use this form to report additional needs.

Sigrid Peitz, M.A.

Zentrum für Sprachlehre

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