Reading comprehension (70 minutes)

Five tasks with a total of 30 questions on various texts (adverts, emails, newspaper articles, recipes, etc.).

Listening comprehension (40 minutes)

Five tasks with a total of 30 questions on short monologues, radio and television reports, dialogues between two people, etc.

Written expression (60 minutes)

Task 1:

Based on a short text, write a letter or message (e.g. email) in descriptive or narrative form (100-120 words).

Task 2:

The candidate will write an essay (descriptive or narrative) on one of two topics to choose from, presenting his/her opinion and conveying personal experiences (130-150 words).

Oral expression (15 minutes)

The oral expression exam consists of four tasks:

  1. Brief presentation of one of two topics to choose from (approx. 2-3 minutes).
  2. Discussion of the topic of task 1 with the examiner (3-4 minutes).
  3. Short description of one of two available photographs (2-3 minutes)
  4. Simulate an everyday situation with the examiner based on the photograph chosen in task 3 (2-3 minutes).

The candidate has 15 minutes preparation time for tasks 1 and 2.

--> Original and sample tests