Professional job shadowing

Peer observation is a component of professional development in the university context that should not be underestimated. It not only offers the opportunity for observation and reflection, but also makes a significant contribution to improving the quality of teaching. In addition to the integration of peer observation into the NRW certificate, you also have the opportunity to have your teaching observed by staff from the staff unit at any time outside of our further education programmes.

Would you like uncomplicated feedback on your teaching and specific ideas for further development?
Simply make an appointment for a professional teaching observation. Our staff will come to your course and conduct a personalised feedback session with you.

Pro­ced­ure for the pro­fes­sion­al ob­ser­va­tions


If required: Non-binding information meeting

If you have any questions in advance and are not quite sure whether professional or peer observation is suitable for your needs, you can contact us at any time without obligation. We will be happy to advise you on your options and then arrange appointments for the actual realisation of the hospitations.


Preparation by the observed lecturer

It has proven useful to provide information about the planned teaching setting and relevant aspects such as learning objectives, teaching methods and any supporting materials during the preparation phase. This serves as an orientation aid for the guest teacher and enables well-founded preparation for the observation. In addition, you decide on observation assignments, which can relate to didactic methods, interaction in the lecture theatre or seminar room or other specific teaching and learning objectives.

To make this preparation easier for you, you will receive preparation sheets with guiding questions in advance.


Joint preliminary discussion

In addition to providing pre-filled forms, a preparatory meeting is also recommended (usually lasting around 20 to 30 minutes), in which information about the course, the focal points of the observation and personal expectations and goals can be discussed together. Once the guest student has been instructed and the students have been informed about the planned observation, the actual observation can take place.


The actual obeservation

The observation itself will be as unobtrusive as possible and will not influence the teaching process. Structured observation guidelines or checklists are also used here so that the observer has a good guide. It is important to know that at this point - in the spirit of good feedback - no evaluations or interpretations are made, but the behaviour and events are noted. These external perceptions can be supplemented by internal impressions, i.e. subjective feedback. It is important to note that one and the same situation or action can trigger completely different subjective perceptions in different people.

Following the teaching visit, both the observed lecturer and the observing teacher analyse their observations and perceptions.


Reflection dialogue

After some time, the final evaluation and reflection of the hospitation takes place in a structured discussion between you and the observing participant. This exchange offers the opportunity to compare self-perception and external perception, and to gain an external perspective on your own teaching. As the observed teacher, you decide whether the guest leacturer should stick closely to the main points of observation and proceed purely descriptively, or whether you would also like to engage in an in-depth exchange about hypotheses, ideas for improvement and the like. Experience has shown that this entry into a peer learning setting in particular brings great added value.

Con­tact per­son

Judith Osthushenrich

Higher Education Development Office

Room E5.323
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn