Net­work­ing among mentees

Interaction with mentees from other fields has certainly been a great benefit for past participants. We support this interaction with a variety of formats:

Peer mentoring
To support the preparation and follow-up of the mentoring interviews, the group of mentees is divided into small groups of 4 to 5 people. These meet regularly, such as every 4 weeks. Other topics can also be discussed besides the mentor meetings.

Informal meetings
We encourage each academic year to meet in an informal setting, without set program points, to network with each other. This includes visits to the cafeteria, guided tours of the city, and other joint activities, for example.

International e-mentoring
A successful stage entrance into the international scientific community requires relevant expertise and insider knowledge. This is achieved by (voluntary) international e-mentoring during the second half of the program: In video conferences or via VoIP, participants talk to an international scientist of their own choice and learn about specific career paths, cultural differences in the scientific field, international etiquette, and more. This helps them to expand their network also on an international level.

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