Call for Ap­plic­a­tion: Sum­mer In­tens­ive Pro­gram 2019 at To­hoku Uni­ver­sity in Ja­pan

Full-time undergraduate students from Paderborn University with sufficient English ability, who are beginners or pre-intermediate learners of Japanese language, can now apply for the Tohoku University Japanese Program 2019 (TUJP2019).

Dates of Program:

  • 1st term [TUJP-1]: Monday 1st July, 2019 to Tuesday 16th July, 2019
  • 2nd term [TUJP-2]: Monday 22nd July, 2019 to Tuesday 6th August, 2019

The Program includes:

  •  Japanese Language Classes
  •  Lectures and Workshops
  • Project Work
  • Field Trip

Deadline: May 1st, 2019

For further information about the program and the application procedure, please contact the Office for International Affairs ( and visit the following website: