An­nounce­ment in the China Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram - Ap­plic­a­tion dead­line: April 30, 2021

Current announcement in the China Scholarship Program of the German National Academic Foundation and the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation: Students of all subjects (except for the main subject Sinology and artistic subjects) with a substantial interest in the People's Republic of China can apply for admission to the funding program apply and are given the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge of the Chinese language and society as well as the university and scientific landscape as part of a one-year stay in China.

The financial support during the stay in China includes

  • a monthly living grant of € 1,000
  • Travel allowances for outward and return journeys totaling € 1,420
  • a preparation fee of € 1,000
  • a mobility allowance of € 1,000
  • as well as the monthly study fee of the Studienstiftung in the amount of 300 €.

Application deadline: April 30, 2021 for funding in China from September 2022

You can find detailed information on the tender here.