For­eign Lan­guage Day at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Numerous further education offers for the classroom

How can digital media be used in reading lessons and what role does ChatGPT play in the training of foreign language teachers? On Wednesday, 13 September, the annual Foreign Language Day will take place at Paderborn University from 9 am to 4 pm. Numerous lectures, workshops and an exhibition of teaching materials will address current topics in modern foreign language teaching in English, Spanish and French. Participants will have the opportunity to deal with fundamental aspects of language teaching as well as innovative approaches and possibilities for further development. More efficient correction of foreign language essays, feedback culture in Spanish lessons or the use of artificial intelligence in foreign language teaching are some of the topics from the diverse programme. The event, which will take place in university buildings B, C and H, is aimed at teachers, trainee teachers and student teachers at secondary levels I and II. Further information on the programme and registration options are available at the webseite of the PLAZ Professional School of Paderborn University.

The organisers are the Association of English and Multilingualism (E&M) NRW, the German Association of Spanish Teachers NRW, the Institutes of English and American Studies and Romance Studies of the Faculty of Cultural Studies and the PLAZ Professional School of Paderborn University.
