Zu Semesterbeginn noch eine (nicht mehr ganz so neue) Neuigkeit aus dem Lehrstuhl der Digital Humanities: Nora Probst wird auch in diesem Sommersemester die Vertretung der Professur an der Uni Paderborn übernehmen. Wir wünschen allen Studierenden und Lehrenden einen schönen und erfolgreichen Start in das neue Semester!
Family-Friendly University
On the pages of the family-friendly university you will find information on the topic of balancing family and work/study at Paderborn University.
This includes the balance of professional/study obligations and the responsibility for children as well as the support of relatives in need of care.
Information & Offers
The Family Service Office (FamilienServiceBüro) is a counselling and mediation service for students and staff of Paderborn University and supports them in balancing study/work and family life.
Barbara Pickhardt
Counselling on balancing parenthood and career/studies
Noelle Maicher-Hoff:
Counselling for international students & employees as well as counselling for caring relatives