To enable parents who spend time at the university with their children to withdraw and care for them in peace, numerous breastfeeding and nappy-changing rooms have been set up on campus. All rooms are located at ground level or are easily accessible by lift with pushchairs.

Rooms O.1.005, I .1.301, SP2.0.103, E.0.136, L.0.018, X.0.205, Y.0.522, H.0.011, P1.2.20, ZM2.B.02.34 and ZM2.A.03.01 offer the possibility to change a child.

Rooms Q1.469 and C2.242 have been specially equipped as breastfeeding and nappy-changing rooms. In addition to a nappy-changing facility, there is a comfortable armchair there for breastfeeding and a a folding screen to create a place of privacy. Also pregnant women are welcome to rest here.

In the two canteens ("Mensen") on campus and in the Bistro Hotspot - Campus Fürstenallee in the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum - high chairs are available for shared meals with small children. Play facilities for children are also available in the canteens.

Two parent-child parking spaces are available between Building Q and Liese-Dreyer-Weg, in the driveway to the canteen ("Mensa"), for student and employees parents who are on campus with their infant or very young child. This parking facility should preferably be used at short notice.

Three so-called KidsBoxes - mobile children's rooms - are available for parents who would like to take their child to the workplace at short notice (in an emergency). They contain toys for babies and children up to primary school age and offer sleeping and changing facilities. If you would like to borrow a KidsBox, please contact the people listed below directly. The KidsBox has wheels and can therefore be transported quite easily.

A mobile children's room was funded by the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 142 and is located in the P8 building.


Dirk Waldhoff
Room: A2.329
Tel.: 05251/ 60-2701
E-mail: dirk.waldhoff(at)

Two more mobile children's rooms were funded by the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 285 and are located in the P and Y buildings.

Contact (P building):

Mathias Bobbert
Room: P1.4.12.3
Tel.: 05251/ 60-3035
E-mail: Mathias.Bobbert(at)

Contact (Y-Building):

Silvia Dohmeier-Fischer
Room: Y2.101
Tel.: 05251/ 60-3937
E-mail: silvia.dohmeier.fischer(at)


Fotos: Polzer Innenausbau GmbH & Co. KG., My KidsBox

For parents who are members of the university, the group study room on level 4 (BI4.099) is (also) equipped as a parent-child room. Work tables with power connections for notebooks are available for parents and there is seating, books and toys for the children.

The room is unlocked and can be used as a group study room by all library users during the library's opening hours. If necessary, parents and children have priority.

Please contact the Information Centre if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the parent-child room or if any damage has occurred. More information