Bal­an­cing Par­ent­hood & Work/Study

The topic of balancing work/study and family life raises partly the same, but also very different questions for employees and students.

While for employees, for example, the framework conditions for organising working hours are of particular importance, for students the first question is often how to finance their studies with a child.
The topic of childcare or coming to terms with one's own role as a mother or father are, in turn, relevant for all parents.

For this reason, these pages contain information explicitly for students and employed parents, as well as relevant information in general.


In­form­a­tion for em­ploy­ees

On the following pages you will find detailed information on the topics of maternity protection, parental leave, parental allowance, regulations under fixed-term contracts and family-friendly organisation of working hours/place of work at Paderborn University.

In­form­a­tion for stu­dents

On the following pages you will find detailed information on the compatibility of parenthood and studying. Among other things, you will find the topics pregnancy, organisation and financing of studies with child(ren), living with child(ren) in Paderborn and studying abroad.

Child­care ser­vices offered by UPB

On the following pages you will find information about the childcare facilities at Paderborn University.

Of­fers for (ex­pect­ant) fath­ers

Paderborn University supports active fatherhood and would like to raise awareness of the topic in general. Therefore, it offers consultations, workshops and lectures on this topic. You can find more information on the following page.

Of­fers for (ex­pect­ant) moth­ers

More detailed information on collegial counselling for (expectant) mothers can be found here.


Barbara Pickhardt


Room E2.101
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn

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