
As a tolerant and cosmopolitan university, it is a matter of course for Paderborn University to promote respectful interaction between all university members through various measures and to ensure that possible barriers and exclusion mechanisms on campus are dismantled. A central method for ensuring participation for all university members is strengthening protection against exclusion and other forms of discrimination.

This anti-discriminatory attitude is reflected in the working and study conditions at Paderborn University and manifests itself in the self-imposed guideline "Guideline for respectful cooperation and protection against disadvantage, discrimination, sexualised violence and mobbing at Paderborn University". This emphasises the importance of non-discriminatory and respectful interaction between all university members on campus.

At Paderborn University, there are already contact persons and contact points for the topic of (anti-)discrimination in many areas. Examples include the Equal Opportunities Officer, the Staff Council for Technical and Administrative Employees and the Staff Council for Academics, the Representative Council for the Severely Disabled, the AStA, the Student Advice Centre and the Complaints Office in accordance with §13 AGG. Generally, these contact persons and counselling services are explicitly responsible for a specific discrimination dimension or status group. The Diversity Officer is also the contact person for questions on the topic of diversity (and its promotion) and offers counselling in cases of discrimination and on how to organise everyday work and study life in a diversity-friendly way.

Anchoring the topic at Paderborn University

Legal basis in the field of antidiscrimination

Useful information and tools in the field of antidiscrimination

Helpful forms and information in the event of discrimination:

Cent­ral Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficer

Get involved!

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