
As a tolerant and cosmopolitan university, it is a matter of course for Paderborn University to promote respectful interaction between all members of the university through various measures and to ensure that potential barriers and mechanisms of exclusion are dismantled on campus. Strengthening protection against marginalisation and other forms of discrimination is a key element in ensuring participation for all members of the university.

This anti-discriminatory attitude is reflected in the working and study conditions at Paderborn University and is manifested in the self-imposed guideline "Guidelines for respectful cooperation and protection against disadvantage, discrimination, sexualised violence and bullying at Paderborn University". This emphasises the importance of non-discriminatory and respectful interaction between all members of the university on campus.

In addition, there are already contact persons and contact points for the topic of (anti-)discrimination in many fields at Paderborn University. Examples include the Equal Opportunities Officer, the Staff Council for Technical and Administrative Employees, the Academic Staff Council, the Disabled Persons' Representative Council, the Student Union, the Central Student Advisory Service and the Complaints Office in accordance with Section 13 AGG. As a rule, these contact persons or counselling services are explicitly responsible for a specific dimension of discrimination or for a status group. The Diversity Officer is also the contact person for questions relating to the topic of diversity (promotion) and offers counselling in cases of discrimination as well as for the diversity-friendly design of everyday work and study life.

News & Dates


16.01.2025: Your strengths in every­day uni­ver­sity life. Work­shop for wo­men* with Arbeit­er­

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18.09.2024 - 25.09.2024

Aware­ness train­ing for ori­ent­a­tion week team­ers in the winter semester 2024/25

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17.09.2024 - 17.09.2024

Train­ing on the top­ic of An­ti­semit­ism for em­ploy­ees

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15.07.2024 - 15.07.2024

Present­a­tion of the An­ti­semit­ism coun­sel­ing and re­port­ing cen­ters in NRW

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More news


audit family-friendly university

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in North Rhine-Westphalia to be awarded the basic certificate for the audit family-friendly university.

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audit diversity-friendly university

On 15 March 2023, the Board of Trustees of berufundfamilie awards Paderborn University the certificate for the audit vielfaltsgerechte hochschule.

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Paderborn University received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for the first time in 2009 for its equal opportunities-orientated personnel policy.

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Diversity Charter

Paderborn University signed the "Diversity Charter" in October 2011.

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Charter on reconciling work and care

Paderborn University signed the "Charter for Reconciling Work and Care" in April 2023.

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[Translate to English:] Logo Zertifikat „audit familiengerechte hochschule“
Logo "audit vielfaltgerechte hochschule" certificate
Logo of the "TOTAL E-QUALITY" initiative
Logo of the "Charter of Diversity" voluntary commitment
Charter on Reconciliation of Work and Care

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