
The Foreign Language Day has been taking place for approximately 30 years and has attracted several hundred teachers, trainee teachers and students interested in current topics, questions and methods of modern foreign language teaching to Paderborn University every year since 2014. After a digital solution to the corona-related restrictions, the Foreign Language Day will take place again this year on wednesday, 13 September.

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Re­search Day

Our annual day of research is directed at all Paderborn academics and serves as a platform for networking and communication within the university. The focus is always on a current research topic, which is introduced by a keynote speech from a renowned guest. The research day offers innovative insights and, with its various interaction formats, diverse opportunities for exchange.

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Anlässlich des jährlichen Aktionstags zum Coming Out Day laden die Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte und die AStA-Gleichstellungsreferentin der Universität Paderborn Interessierte zu einer kleinen Veranstaltungsreihe ein. Gemeinsam mit dem Landesprojekt „blick* zu LSBTIQ* Strukturen im ländlichen Raum“ bieten sie im Winter 2024 drei unterschiedliche Veranstaltungsformate an, die sich mit den Themen Geschlechtliche Identität und Sexuelle…

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Workshop for pupils in years 11 to 13 on the 24th of January 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Immerse yourself in the French and Spanish-speaking world for a few hours. In this workshop, you can get to know different cultures and playfully gain an insight into the contents of the diverse study programmes of the Institute for Romance Studies at Paderborn University.

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