
Here you will find current, selected news from the area of research at the University of Paderborn. Further releases can be found in the press archive.


Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in the cul­tur­al event in­dustry

Paderborn University and leading cultural/event partners from East Westphalia-Lippe launch pioneering research project

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Su­per­hero or busy­body: Can trans­par­ency solve the prob­lems of our time?

Collaborative Research Centre "Accounting for Transparency" publishes explanatory video and pillar page

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Fields Medal­list Alessio Figalli is the key­note speak­er at the Wei­er­strass Lec­ture 2024

The multi-award-winning mathematician Prof. Dr Alessio Figalli will give the keynote lecture at this year's Weierstrass Lecture at Paderborn University on Friday 26 April.

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Pre­cise sig­nals for data trans­mis­sion

Company emerges from research project: Paderborn University research group develops signal generator

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Design­ing and es­tab­lish­ing di­git­al busi­ness mod­els des­pite a short­age of skilled la­bour: A new ap­proach for in­dus­tri­al prac­tice

The joint project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aims to create a "collaboration and learning environment for value-oriented business model generation".

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A carbohydrate-rich meal in the morning triggers a lower glucose increase than the same meal in the evening - that is the current state of science. The latest results now show: This is not the case for everyone and depends on the "internal clock".

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ERC Grant for Out­stand­ing Re­search Awar­ded to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Re­search­er

Millions in EU funding for secure software systems

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The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Paderborn University is taking a closer look at energy-efficient production, responsible resource utilisation and the sustainable transformation of companies with a new endowed professorship.

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On the way to cli­mate-neut­ral pro­cess heat

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection funds joint project "HeatTransPlan" for the development of waste heat utilisation

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Learn­ing math­em­at­ic­al mod­el­ling through eye move­ments

Second project phase of the DFG research project "ViMo" starts in April

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