Steer­ing group for the im­ple­ment­a­tion of the gender equal­ity concept and the DFG's re­search-ori­ented gender equal­ity stand­ards

Paderborn University's Executive Board considers the universal anchoring of equality within the university as part of its task. A steering group was formed in 2009 under the leadership of the Vice President for Planning, Finance and International Relations to implement gender mainstreaming and the equality concept.


Members of the Steering Group:

  • the permanent representative(s) of the Vice-President for Economic and Personnel Management,
  • the deans or faculty directors of the individual faculties,
  • the chairperson of the Equal Opportunity Commission,
  • the Central Equal Opportunities Officer,
  • and the management of the Centre for Gender Studies (Zentrum für Geschlechterstudien/Gender Studies).


Central Equal Opportunities Officer
Room: E 2.103
Phone: 05251/60-3724
Email: irmgard.pilgrim(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de

audit family-friendly…

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in NRW to be awarded the designation of “family-friendly university”.


Paderborn University has received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award for their equality-oriented Human Resources policies.

Diversity Charter

Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter in October 2011. Additional information can be found here.