Fields of ac­tion and ini­ti­at­ives at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

In order to do justice to the diversity of all members of Paderborn University, there are different, target group-specific offers relating to everyday study and work at Paderborn University. The focus is always on the individual with his or her different abilities, interests and needs from which different fields of action can be derived. In addition to the fields of action of ethnic origin/nationality and social origin, for Paderborn University these are in particular the fields of health impairments/inclusion, gender identity/sexual orientation, religion/belief and age/generations.

Below you will find an overview of these six fields of action and the structures and services created within Paderborn University to address them.

Cent­ral Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficer

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Our portal is still under construction. Is your area not yet linked in the Diversity Portal? Help us to complete this portal and contact us.