News­let­ter "Fam­ily-Friendly Uni­ver­sity" I Is­sue 13 I June 2024

Dear students and employees,
Before the summer break, we would like to briefly inform you about news, projects and current measures at Paderborn University with regard to a family-friendly university. The focus here is on balancing work and study commitments with responsibility for children and caring for relatives in need of care.
Topics in the current newsletter (German only):
- Care work in the life course: Competence instead of a gap!
- Children's holiday camps: Review of the Easter holiday program & remaining places for the summer holidays
- PUKi: News from Paderborn Uni Kids
- New regulations for parental allowance
- Last aid course: Knowing how to do it in the end. An offer of the internal training & further education.
- Online information series Career & Care
- Event information: for parents, children/young people and family carers

You are welcome to forward the newsletter to colleagues and fellow students. Interested parties can sign up to the mailing list here.

We wish you a good start to the lecture-free summer period, all the best for your exams and a relaxing semester break.

Greetings from the FamilyServiceOffice
Barbara Pickhardt & Noelle Maicher-Hoff