Re­mind­er: Work­shop "Make an Im­pact": Re­gis­tra­tion still pos­sible

Date:                            17 and 24 May 2024, 9:00 - 13:00 each day

Location/format:      online

Language:                   English

Number of participants: max. 12 people

Speaker:                       Julie Stearns, trainer of ImpulsPlus

There are still spots available! It is possible to sign up only for the second workshop on 24th of May.


Description of the content:

How can I make myself heard in professional contexts, for example in small talk situations at conferences? What can help me in situations where I am confronted with an international audience and how can I make contact with an interdisciplinary audience?

The workshop offers the opportunity to improve general communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) to increase networking and self-marketing opportunities. The workshop focuses specifically on self-presentation in terms of voice quality, body language and verbal expression in academic and professional contexts. Participants will learn how to improve their self-marketing skills, increase their research and networking prospects, and maximize their intercultural and interdisciplinary communication opportunities.

About the speaker:

  • trainer for presentation and effective communication
  • certified coach (DGfC)
  • trained actress with more than 20 years of stage experience as a performer, dramaturge, director and author
  • many years as a university lecturer
  • six years of coaching experience in workshops with international doctoral students from all disciplines

Registration is possible by e-mail to the Equal Opportunities Office.