Ap­plic­a­tion peri­od for Rita Süss­muth Re­search Prize 2024 be­gins

Call for applications
Application period: From now until April 12, 2024

The Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia is once again awarding the Rita Süssmuth Research Prize for excellent research with a gender focus. The research prize recognizes the scientific and social relevance of gender-related research.
It is awarded every two years by the Ministry of Culture and Science in two categories. In the "Research plus" category, the prize, which is endowed with 70,000 euros, is awarded to a research personality who holds a professorship at a university in North Rhine-Westphalia or is working there following a habilitation. The "Impulse" category, which is endowed with 35,000 euros, is aimed at academics with a doctorate from a university in North Rhine-Westphalia. The prize money is intended for the continuation of academic work. Their use must be related to the topic of promoting young researchers.

You can find more information here