Fed­er­al Con­fer­ence of Wo­men's and Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficers at Uni­ver­sit­ies (BuKoF)

The Federal Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities (BuKoF) is the association of women's and equal opportunities commissioners at universities. In the BuKoF the members work together to fulfil their tasks in the area of the promotion of women and equality at universities. The BuKoF particularly represents the interests of women at universities for all types of universities and groups of members.

Further information about the BuKoF


Caren Stankus-Kunze
Head of BuKof Office
Goßlerstraße 2-4
14195 Berlin
030 838-59210
Email: geschaeftsstelle@bukof.de


audit family-friendly…

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in NRW to be awarded the designation of “family-friendly university”.


Paderborn University has received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award for their equality-oriented Human Resources policies.

Diversity Charter

Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter in October 2011. Additional information can be found here.