Sem­inars and Work­shops

There are regular advanced training opportunities on the topic of “sexual harassment at work and at the place of study” (“Sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeits- und Studienplatz Hochschule”).

These are aimed in particular at executves at all levels of management, persons with advisory functions and interest groups.

The half-day seminars provide an insight into the topic and the institutional and legal framework. Potential contact and support persons are strengthened in their ability to act.

If you are interested in future training opportunities, you may contact Stefanie Lichtenauer.

Schu­lung zum Umgang mit sexueller Beläs­ti­gung am Arbeit­s­platz

The Central Equal Opportunities Officer offered a training course on dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace on 28.06.2023, from 9:00 - 13:00, in cooperation with the internal training and development department. The aim of the training was to provide comprehensive information on the legal background, personal and institutional options for action as well as suitable prevention measures. The speaker, Alexandra Pollmeier from the women's advice center Lilith Paderborn, was also dedicated to raising awareness in dealing with those affected in the context of initial counseling.