Coun­selling for Sexu­al­ized Dis­crim­in­a­tion and Sexu­al As­sault

Every first and third Thursday of every month, open office hours are held at the university by the women’s counselling center Lilith (Frauenberatungsstelle Lilith e. V., information only available in German). The office hours are offered from noon to 2:00 pm (12:00 – 14:00). Students and employees who have experienced discrimination or sexual assault can find help and advice during these office hours. The women’s counselling center Lilith is a non-profit organization that has no religious, political, governmental or otherwise public affiliation. Their focus is on consultation and support for women who are currently suffering from or who in the past have suffered from emotional, physical or sexual abuse.

Con­sulta­tion hours take place in room E 0.207. You do not need to make an ap­point­ment.


On the following days we only offer telephone advice by calling 05251/21311:






Con­sulta­tions are free of charge and an­onym­ous. The coun­sel­lors are leg­ally bound by the com­pre­hens­ive stat­utory duty of con­fid­en­tially.

An important principle during counselling is that nothing will be done without the full agreement of the woman being counselled. The counselors are experts with various certifications or degrees in therapy as well as additional qualifications for dealing with trauma. They offer information, advice and assistance in crises as well as support for and/or during clarification and coping processes. Topics for counselling could include sexual harassment and discrimination at the workplace or during studies, as well as sexual assault or stalking.

Counselling at Paderborn University
Office hours: Every first and third Thursday of every month, from 12.00-14.00 (noon to 2 p.m.)
Room: E 0.207
Contact: frauenberatung(at)lilith-paderborn(dot)de

It is possible to contact Lilith e.V.  directly even and especially outside of the office hours at the university,.

Frauenberatungsstelle Lilith e. V.

Phone: 05251/21311

Monday        16.00-18.00 (4 pm to 6 pm)
Wednesday       9.00-11.00 (9 am to 11 am)
Friday            9.00-11.00 (9 am to 11 am)

When calling, you can also request an in-person appointment at the Lilith’s office. Outside of the hotline hours, you can also leave a message with a request for a return phone call.

Email contact:  frauenberatung(at)lilith-paderborn(dot)de

For male stu­dents and em­ploy­ees, coun­selling and aid is avail­able through KIM – Rat & Tat e.V. (Men’s coun­selling cen­ter)

KIM - Rat & Tat e. V. –  Men’s Counselling Center
Phone: 05251 5067711
Monday        10.00-11.00 (10 am to 11 am)
Tuesday       16.30-17.30 Uhr (4.30 pm to 5.30 pm)
Individual appointments can be arranged by calling KIM.
Contact: MaennerBeratung(at)kimpaderborn(dot)de,