Ear­marked funds for gender equal­ity meas­ures in pri­or­ity pro­grams

In a priority program, up to 15,000 euros per year can be applied for gender equality measures as part of the coordination project.

Here, the provision of additional funds can be used, for example, to initiate the formation of networks between the young female researchers funded in the priority program. It is also conceivable that additional funds could be used to finance the care of the children of the women scientists* during an event in the priority program.

Further information (Currently only available in German)

If you have any questions regarding gender equality measures in Priority Programs and research groups, please contact the DFG, Doris Brennecke-Schröder (Phone: +49 (0) 228 885-2614) and the responsible speakers are available to answer your questions.

audit family-friendly…

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in NRW to be awarded the designation of “family-friendly university”.


Paderborn University has received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award for their equality-oriented Human Resources policies.

Diversity Charter

Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter in October 2011. Additional information can be found here.