In­form­a­tion on can­cel­la­tions

If an approved business trip is not carried out for valid reasons, the necessary expenses incurred in preparation and eligible for reimbursement under the NRW State Travel Expenses Act will be reimbursed (travel preparation expenses).

Before cancelling a business trip for valid official reasons, please be sure to observe the cancellation conditions so that unavoidable cancellation costs are kept as low as possible.

When cancelling, please insist on a refund of the amount paid. The acceptance of vouchers is to be avoided!

Also include receipts (original) and proof that an attempt was made to cancel and keep the costs incurred as low as possible.

For this purpose, please submit a report with the non-cancellable costs to the travel office, within the statutory exclusion period of 6 months after the planned end of the trip.

A checklist for the settlement of cancellation costs can be found here.

You can find information on cancelling Deutsche Bahn tickets here.