Re­im­burse­ment of travel ex­penses for ex­tern­al per­sons

Section 7 of the Paderborn University Travel Expenses Policy is authoritative.

The policy for eco-friendly business trips must be observed.

For the sake of clarity, invitations and/or authorisations for persons performing duties for Paderborn University should include a reference to reimbursement of travel expenses in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned Travel Expenses Guideline based on the NRW Travel Expenses Act. It is also possible to limit the reimbursement of travelling expenses to a maximum amount, for example.

Prior reimbursement of travel expenses, even in instalments, is not permitted for external persons.

Applications for reimbursement of travel expenses must be submitted using the "Travel expense claim" form, enclosing the invitation/commission and all receipts.Here too, the trips must be submitted within a cut-off period of 6 months.

Accommodation offers in Paderborn with special conditions for external travellers can be found here!