Busi­ness trip at the place of work or res­id­ence

General information

A business trip at the place of work or place of residence is a trip which is made within the place of employment/place of residence in order to carry out a business transaction away from the service site. The traveler must verbally inform his/her superior about this business trip. The place of employment is Paderborn. If a different place of employment has been determined (e.g. by means of an amendment agreement), the place of employment shall be the city in which the service site of the employee is located. This business trip must be limited to the time necessary. Expenses eligible for settlement (daily allowance, travelling expenses) are processed as part of a travel expense report.

Exception: business trips at the place of employment or residence to meetings and conferences where corresponding attendance fees are incurred.

For the settlement of travel expenses/daily allowance after the end of the business trip, the reimbursement of expenses can be requested using the "Travel expense report" form. For frequent business trips of this type, it is advisable to use one form for several business trips. The signature of the line manager/budget manager and the budget account to be debited must be indicated on the report. The claim for reimbursement is time-barred six months after the end of the individual business trip.