1.3 Fin­an­cial Man­age­ment, Ca­pa­city Mat­ters, Re­port­ing

Division Head Bettina Frühling - B2.207, 60 - 2561
Deputy Britta Götte - B2.214, 60 - 3875


Britta Götte - B2.214, 60 - 3875
Tatjana Gorte – B2.301, 60 - 3259
Jan-Philipp Haselhorst - B2.212, 60 - 2556
Sonja Klöpping - B2.310, 60 - 4395
Yannick Lorenz - B2.209, 60 - 2517
Tanja Ridder - B2.301, 60 - 2541
Verena Schlothane - B2.310, 60 - 5590

Financial Management

  • Financial Resource Planning
    • Distribution and provision of funds from the grant budget, quality improvement funds from the Higher Education Pact budget and from other special MKW funds
    • Statements on special applications and distribution proposals
    • Overall Expenditure controlling
    • Preparation of the business plan, management report and annual report
  • Fund allocation models
    • Acquisition, preparation and updating of basic statistical data for university-internal code-oriented allocation models (staff numbers, investments, students, graduates, doctoral and postdoctoral degrees, external funding)
    • Implementation of new allocation criteria and/or models, alignment/adjustment/verification of parameters for nationwide allocation models
    • General and specific documentation and information about funds allocation channels, criteria and models
  • Personnel Cost Budgeting and Structural Matters
    • Design and further development of university-internal personnel cost budgeting
    • Personnel cost projections
    • Annual preparation of human resources budget for faculties and central institutions
    • Advisory statements on the structural, human and financial resources of faculties and institutions
    • Advisory statements on the establishment and staffing of professorships
  • Cost Accounting
    • Implementation of cost accounting
    • Preparation of cost and activity data for external reporting requirements as well as internal university decisions
    • Maintenance of accounting objects on basic and summarisation levels for all areas, except external funds
    • Evaluation of alternative workflows from a cost accounting perspective

Capacity Matters

  • General capacity matters
  • Determination of annual admission capacity for teaching divisions
  • Reasoning, calculation and application for admission restrictions for first and higher semesters
  • Coordination of admission restrictions for first and higher semesters with faculties
  • Calculation of programme-specific attrition rates
  • Maintenance/Updating of the service obligation
  • Determination of curricular values (CW) for newly created degree programmes and updating of existing CWs
  • Discussion of proposed admission numbers with the MKWMKW (Ministry of Culture and Science in North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Capacity statement for newly-established degree programmes as well as reaccreditation of existing degree programmes
  • Capacity statement in case of proposed reductions in teaching workloads
  • Capacity utilisation calculations
  • Survey of course listings

University Reporting and Controlling Matters

  • Development and systematisation of data from existing computer/IT applications
  • Documentation of basic university data (students, graduates, doctoral and postdoctoral degrees, staff, budget, external funds) according to various criteria and presentation in tabular and graphic form
  • Compilation, systematisation and, if applicable, annotation of data for planning purposes
  • Preparation of indicators and time lines for internal and university-wide comparison
  • Verification of centrally collected data (MKW, IT.NRW), error analysis and instigation of corrections, improvement of communication/notification procedures