Sug­ges­tions, praise and cri­ti­cism

Complaints management is a central component of an effective service and comprises the systematic recording, processing and analysis of suggestions, praise and criticism. Good complaints management aims to increase the satisfaction of students, lecturers and other people involved in examination administration.

Suggestions are regarded as valuable information that can contribute to the improvement of services or processes. The examinations administration will actively take these on board and incorporate them into its innovation strategies.

Praise is equally important as it shows what works well and which aspects are particularly valued. It can serve as motivation for employees and provide confirmation that certain measures are successful.

Criticism , on the other hand, offers the opportunity for self-reflection and improvement. It is important to approach criticism openly and constructively in order to learn from it and turn negative experiences into positive developments.

Effective complaint management is characterised by short response times, empathy and transparency. Students, lecturers and other people involved in examination administration should feel that they are taken seriously and that their feedback leads to real improvements. In this way, every piece of feedback becomes a valuable building block for the long-term success of examination administration.

You can send your suggestions, praise or criticism by e-mail to the head of subdivision.