In­form­a­tion on the veri­fic­a­tion of dip­loma, Bach­el­or's or Mas­ter's de­grees

We  verify diploma, bachelor or master degrees of former students of the University of Paderborn. In this context, please note when requesting the verification of degree data of applicants:


  •     The University of Paderborn absolutely requires a signed declaration of consent from the person to be verified in which it is expressly stated that the personal data requested may be passed on or verified. This declaration of consent must include the purpose and recipient of the data.
  •     The University of Paderborn will only confirm or not confirm data that is presented here. No additional data will be issued.
  •     The employees of the University of Paderborn are not allowed to send personal data of third parties via email. Please assume that no personal data will be included in an answer to your request, but only confirm that the data submitted is correct or not.
  •     Employees of the University of Paderborn will neither open password-protected ZIP files nor log in to password-protected areas of other websites.

Please contact the administration staff for the relevant degree programme or send your request to the fax number of the Central Examination Office at +49 5251 60 3805.