Ex­am­in­a­tion reg­u­la­tions for the de­gree pro­grammes of the Fac­ulty EIM

Bach­el­or's de­gree pro­grammes

Current degree programmes (with examination regulations) AM numbers
Bachelor's degree programmes  
Computer Engineering Bachelor v3 AM56/17AM17/19
Computer Engineering Bachelor v3b AM56/17AM17/19
Electrical Engineering Bachelor v6 AM54/17 or AM 10/22 (from semester 22), AM29/18, AM55/18
Computer Science Bachelor v4 AM43/17AM34/18
Mathematics Bachelor v2 AM44/13, AM46/13, AM139/14, AM141/14
Mathematics Bachelor v2b AM44/13, AM46/13, AM139/14, AM141/14, AM98/15, AM100/15, AM32/17, AM33/17, AM28/18
Mathematics Bachelor v3 AM24/20, AM26/20
Engineering Mathematics Bachelor v2 AM45/13, AM46/13, AM140/14, AM141/14
Engineering Mathematics Bachelor v2b AM45/13, AM46/13, AM140/14, AM141/14, AM99/15, AM100/15, AM33/17
Engineering Mathematics Bachelor v3 AM24/20, AM28/20
General regulations for the Bachelor's degree programmes of the Faculty EIM (currently only valid for Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Technomathematics) AM24/20


Mas­ter's de­gree pro­grammes

Current degree programmes (with examination regulations) AM numbers
Master's degree programmes  
Computer Engineering Master v3 AM57/17AM18/19
Electrical Systems Engineering Master v2 AM107/17 or AM 12/22 (from semester 22), AM56/18
Electrical Engineering Master v4 AM55/17 or AM 11/22 (from semester 22), AM30/18, AM57/18
Computer Science Master v3 AM44/17AM35/18, AM 68/21, AM 22/22
Mathematics Master v2 AM47/13, AM49/13, AM142/14, AM144/14
Mathematics Master v3 AM25/20, AM27/20
Engineering Mathematics Master v3 AM25/20, AM29/20
General Regulations for the Master's Programmes of the Faculty EIM (currently only valid for Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Technomathematics) AM25/20


Dis­con­tin­ued de­gree pro­grammes

Discontinued degree programmes (with examination regulations) AM numbers
Electrical Engineering Bachelor part-time v1, v2 and v3 (cancellation on 01.04.2025) AM10/12, AM25/16, AM39/13, AM80/13, AM147/14, AM25/16
Computer Science Bachelor part-time v1 and v1b (cancellation on 01.04.2025) AM30/11, AM12/13, AM13/13, AM03/16, AM27/16