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[Com­puter Sci­ence] Rules and dates for ex­am­in­a­tions in the 2023/24 winter semester

These regulations apply to all computer science students. 

1st examination registration phase (for all major subject examinations and minor subject examinations (which are not KW or WiWi)):

23.10. to 23.11.2023

All project groups, seminars and proseminars must also be registered during this phase; subsequent registration/deregistration is not possible!

Examination registration phase (for all minor examinations in a minor subject of the Faculty KW):

23.10. to 10.01.2024

Examination registration phase (for all minor examinations in a minor subject of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration):

see module registration at:

2nd examination registration phase (for all major subject examinations):

26.02. to 08.03.2024

The exact regulations, including the deadlines for academic achievements and qualified participations, can be found in the PDF on the pages of the Student Service:

Further information can also be found on the PAUL information pages.

The examination phases are based on the periods of the previous years:

The 1st examination phase begins after the start of lectures and then lasts for 3 weeks.
The 2nd examination phase begins directly after the 2nd examination registration phase in the first week of September and usually lasts until the lecture period of the next semester.