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[Com­puter Sci­ence] Notes on the ex­am­in­a­tion pro­ced­ure in com­puter sci­ence (Eng­lish Ver­sion be­low)

Examinations > Examination registration in the university-wide registration phases [requires prior (and correct) module and course registration], admission check after the end of the registration phase, deregistration up to one week before the examination date in PAUL.

Oral examinations [rescheduling is not possible, students must deregister in PAUL and then register again in the next registration phase; examination dates may only be bindingly allocated if the candidate has been admitted (entry in PAUL)].

Lecture currently offered in the semester > Examination registration in the university-wide registration phases, date is entered by the examiner after admission in PAUL before the examination [requires prior (and correct) module and course registration] , deregistration up to one week before the examination date in PAUL
Lecture not currently offered [applies only to Bachelor] > Examination registration at any time (21 days before scheduled examination date, date is not required for registration, will be entered by examiner after admission in PAUL before examination [requires prior (and correct) module and course registration], deregistration up to one week before examination date in PAUL
Oral block examinations > Examination registration in the university-wide registration phases, date is entered by the examiner after admission in PAUL before the examination [requires prior (and correct) module and course registration], deregistration up to one week before the first block examination day in PAUL

Thesis > Application for admission in PAUL, deregistration (return of the topic) within one month after the start of the term in writing in the ZPS.

Special features:

Proseminars/seminars/project group > Examination registration in the university-wide first registration phases, deregistration only possible until the end of the examination deregistration phase.

Oral substitute examinations > Examination registration at any time (21 days before planned examination date, date is not required for registration, will be entered by examiner after admission in PAUL before examination [requires prior (and correct) module and course registration], deregistration up to one week before examination date in PAUL. Note: Possible assessments: 4.0 or 5.0; two-examiner principle only for the second repetition (is stored in the comments field in PAUL).