Text re­vi­sion strategies for PhD stu­dents

"I already have a bit of text written - now what?" As a rule, academic writing does not work without a thorough revision of existing sketches, drafts and text fragments. In most cases, it is only in this process that the text becomes really good.

The workshop raises the question of what "really good" can mean, because every professional community and readership has its own expectations and all authors have different ideas for their own texts. With brief theoretical inputs, a toolbox of text analysis strategies, and plenty of time for constructive peer feedback, we will approach central questions of text revision:

  • What is the goal and function of my text?
  • Which readers do I want to reach and what do they expect from my text?
  • What structure and flow of argumentation will put my content in perspective?
  • How can I formulate clearly and comprehensibly and bring statements to the point?
  • How should my text sound and what style suits me and my writing?

The workshop is aimed at PhD students in the middle and towards the end of their PhD program who have already produced text and now want to find the red thread. Please bring your own draft texts to the workshop (preferably still in the development stage), which you would like to analyze, discuss with others and develop further.

Date: Thursday, July 4, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (online).

Contact person: Dr. Andrea Karsten


For binding registration, please fill out the form below completely. The registration deadline is 48 hours before the workshop starts. Please note that we can only process complete registrations.

Important: The workshop registration form currently only works to a limited extent, which is why we ask you to send your registration by e-mail to kompetenzzentrum.schreiben(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de. It should contain the same information as the form (name, e-mail, course/subject and semester) and have the subject "Text revision strategies PhD".


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