Aca­dem­ic writ­ing in teach­ing

At the "Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben", we pursue a subject-sensitive approach when it comes to academic writing in studies, research and teaching. In the field of teaching in particular, this means that we work with lecturers to find appropriate strategies to promote students' academic writing.

Our various services include individual teaching consultations on all questions relating to academic writing in teaching, the continuing education course SCHREIBEN LEHREN, in which different topics are focused on and a specific writing course is designed for students in the respective subject area, and the textographer program, for which we advise lecturers on the design of a writing-intensive subject course and in which students trained by us give peer text feedback to the participating students as part of this course.

A new option for lecturers is to take the "Professional Teaching Skills for Higher Education" certificate programme offered by the Office of Educational Innovation and University Didactics, which focuses on writing didactics and is offered in cooperation with the Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben.

Of­fers for lec­tur­ers


From the one-year continuing education program SCHREIBEN LEHREN (Teaching Writing) to the semester-long textographers' program and individual workshops and teaching workshops, our events cover key topics relating to writing didactics and writing-intensive teaching.

Teach­ing con­sulta­tions

Arrange a personal appointment with us to discuss topics such as the integration of meaningful writing tasks into your teaching or the didactic writing concept for entire courses.

More about writ­ing in teach­ing?

You are welcome to use the digital materials we provide on our website for your teaching. You can find ideas here, for example: