Step by Step to your fi­nal thes­is

The interdisciplinary workshop aims at supporting you while planning and writing your final theses. Particular attention will be paid to techniques that help you organize and enjoy your writing (process); stylistic aspects, however, will take a back seat to substantial steps of paper-writing. You will be given lots of opportunities to try out techniques in order to expand your repertoire of writing strategies. Reflecting upon one’s own writing is just as important and will be combined with an exchange of ideas amongst participants.

You can sign up for all units to gain insight about all stages of the writing process, but it is also possible to just sign up for individual units, which are especially interesting for you.


  • Unit I: the writing process, scheduling your writing process, writing strategies and sensible work steps.
  • Unit II: themes, goal, research question, introduction and structural rework of a draft. First steps for your writing focus, orientation on the “red string” and structural rework of a text.
  • Unit III: reading and using literature for your thesis, finding your own voice in your text, reading techniques, principles of reasoning and readability.

Language: The workshop will be held in German.


Latest dates (work­shop for all fac­ulties):

Current workshops:

Important: The workshop will be held in German.


Dates in August 2024:

Thursday, August 15th 2024

  • Unit I: 9.30am to 12.30pm
  • UnitII: 13.00pm to 16.30pm

Friday, August 16th 2024

  • Unit III: 9.30 am to 13.00 pm

When is the right time to at­tend the work­shop?

Please choose which units you want to visit depending on your current process in your writing, so that the exercises can help you in your writing process. Since we offer this workshop every two months, it might be more effective to only sign up for the unit matching your current writing phase instead of all of them.

  • If you just started working on your thesis, we recommend only visiting Unit I & Unit II after you have a first idea for your topic and have already started working on it.
  • Unit III is only recommended after you have already selected some of the literature you plan on using.

For the best possible experience of the workshop, we recommend actively participating and being willing to interact with other students.

As an alternative or beside, we also recommend individual advice to discuss a specific question about your writing project.


Online version of our "Step by Step to your thesis – interdisciplinary"

In this (alternative) self-study Komo course, you get access to information, writing & reflection exercises and tips in four subject areas around the final thesis.

Please notice that the workshop is only available in German.



For your registration to be mandatory please complete the form below including the following pieces of information: Name, email address, unit (I, II, III), course of study, subject(s), semester/year, type of thesis. Please note that we can only process complete registrations.

Important: The workshop registration form currently only works to a limited extent, which is why we ask you to send your registration by e-mail to kompetenzzentrum.schreiben(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de. It should contain the same information as the form (name, e-mail, course/subject and semester) and have the subject "Step by step to your final thesis". Please tell us which units you want to participate in as well.


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