"Die er­ste Hausarbeit …" – fresh­men-work­shop for term pa­pers, aca­dem­ic as­sign­ments and writ­ten re­ports

Sooner or later your first paper will be due. But who’s going to tell you how it works? No need to panic! This hands-on, two-day workshop will help you plan and write your first academic paper(s). We will answer your questions and introduce you to writing strategies you can apply to your own writing projects.


  • What is expected from my academic paper? What are the requirements for my academic paper?
  • What tasks do I have to tackle and how can I keep an eye on my time management?
  • How do I find an appropriate research question?
  • How do I develop a coherent structure?
  • How do I find and use appropriate literature?
  • How do I write and quote scientifically?
  • How do other people read my text and how can I revise it?

Contact: Susan Holtfreter

Date: Thursday, August 1, and Friday, August 2, 2024, from 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Important: This workshop will be held in German.

For the best possible experience, we ask for you to participate and be willing to interact with other participants.



For your registration to be mandatory please complete the form below including the following pieces of information: Name, email address, date, course of study, subject(s), semester/year, type of thesis. Please note that we can only process complete registrations.

Important: The workshop registration form currently only works to a limited extent, which is why we ask you to send your registration by e-mail to kompetenzzentrum.schreiben(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de. It should contain the same information as the form (name, e-mail, course/subject and semester) and have the subject "First paper".


Declaration of consent *