Deal­ing with peer re­views

In this workshop we will focus on how to deal with peer reviews. It is intended for all academics in the earlier stages of their career who need to revise texts after peer reviews, for example, submissions to an edited volume or to a journal.

While peer reviews are now very common, there is surprisingly little guidance on how to deal with such reviews and, in particular, what they mean for texts and authorship. This is precisely the question we will address. From the point of view of writing studies, something interesting happens through such reviews: Through their reviews (or, more precisely, through their implementation), the reviewers enter the text as silent authors. How do you deal with this? How do you integrate these voices? How do you deal with the emotions that can arise? When and how do you reject suggestions from reviewers?

Material: Please prepare a text and the reviews so you can work on them and discuss them with another person if necessary.

Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024, 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. (online).

Contact: Dr. Andrea Karsten

In­fos zur Work­sho­pan­mel­dung

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Hier eine Vorlage:

Liebes Team des Schreibzentrums, 

hiermit melde ich mich für den Workshop „…“ am „…“ an. 


Viele Grüße