A defined responsibility structure defines which units are responsible for strategic quality management and operational quality assurance. The Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management (VP LSQ) is the leading person in the Executive Board for strategic quality management. Decentralised responsibility for the operational implementation of the QMS lies with the members of the Council of Deans of Studies (CStud). This committee is made up of the Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management, the Deans of Studies and the PLAZ Director of Studies and Teaching. At degree programme level, the programme representatives are responsible for the operational implementation of the QMS. Department 6.1 supports and coordinates the implementation of the QMS at central level in cooperation with the Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management. The Paderborn working group for quality management in studies and teaching (PAQman) supports the development of QM topics, prepares the elaboration of new QM formats and helps to shape the further development of the QMS. It is made up of people active in the field of QM from the faculties, the PLAZ and Department 6.1.

The Evaluation Regulations (EvaO) for Teaching and Learning at Paderborn University set out binding university-wide standards for carrying out evaluations and thus serve to ensure and improve the quality of teaching and learning.