An­nu­al talks at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Paderborn University has decided to introduce annual talks for all employee groups in science, technology and administration. This important initiative represents a great opportunity to promote a culture of open communication and trusting cooperation at our university. The focus is on personal dialogue between managers and employees. The aim is to take a look at the "big picture" away from everyday working schedule and to address personal perspectives, needs and expectations.

Find out everything you need to know about the introduction of annual talks at Paderborn University on this website. Below you will find, among other things, a preparation sheet to download and information on events and trainings.

Why an annual talk?

In your day-to-day work, meetings are held regularly to pass on information, discuss the day's workload, allocate tasks and generally exchange ideas. Why should you have an additional annual talk? The annual talk offers the opportunity to address personal wishes, expectations and goals in addition to professional issues. It offers the opportunity to

  • clarify tasks, responsibilities and requirements,
  • agree on sponsoring or inhibiting aspects of the working conditions,
  • openly discuss the cooperation between managers and employees and organise it in such a way as to promote a culture of open communication and trusting cooperation,
  • make agreements and arrangements,
  • prepare together for future tasks and requirements with foresight and
  • exchange expectations and wishes with regard to personal development.

The annual talk gives you the opportunity to obtain important information and orientation, clarify expectations, but also to address possible concerns and problems and work together on solutions. You will receive feedback on your work performance and the development of your skills. At the same time, the meeting gives you the opportunity to share your perspectives, ideas and wishes.

For you as a manager, the interview is an opportunity to find out more about the interests, potential and concerns of your employees and to receive feedback on your own management behaviour. You can also make your own objectives and expectations more transparent. The annual talk provides a framework for supporting your employees individually and expressing appreciation.

An­nu­al talks in a nut­shell

Target group All employee groups at Paderborn University from science, technology and administration
Frequency of talks Managers offer their respective employees the opportunity to take part in the dialogue on an annual basis. Employees decide whether they would like to take up the offer.
Contents of the annual talk The content of the annual talk can be determined individually by the two discussion partners. As a rule, however, the meeting includes a review of the past year, an exchange about the area of responsibility, the organisation of work, the working environment and the topics of leadership and cooperation. It concludes with an outlook for the coming year. You will find suggestions for specific questions in the interview guide (see download below).

You can find detailed information as well as tips on preparing, conducting and documenting the annual talks in the information sheet on annual talks (german version/ english version).


Download preparation sheet/ interview guide (German/ English)
Download protocol template (German/ English)
Download information sheet (German/ English)

In­form­a­tion events and train­ings

Our kick-off event on 28.05.2024 marked the official starting point for the implementation of the annual talks. During the event, the importance and objectives of the talks as well as the organizational framework and accompanying offers were presented.

Were you unable to attend the kick-off? You can find all the information in the event presentation. You are also welcome to visit our other information events and training courses.

Note for English-speakers: The events listed on this website will be conducted in German. We are planning additional English-language offers, for which we would like to coordinate the dates directly with the interested persons. If you are interested in an English-language information offer, please write an e-mail to Johanna Braukmann.

Are you unable to attend the kick-off or do you still have questions? In our information sessions, you will receive all the important information once again and can ask your open questions regarding the organisational issues for the introduction of annual talks at Paderborn University. The events are organised by Department 4.5 (Staff Development).

Further information, dates and registration options can be found here.

Take advantage of our training programmes to optimally prepare for your annual talks!

In our half-day introductory training courses for employees, you will work out in a small group

  • what benefits the annual talks can have for you,
  • how you can bring your topics, questions or concerns to the meeting,
  • how you can give your manager constructive feedback,
  • what you yourself can contribute to the success of the meeting,
  • and how you can deal with possible challenges during the discussion.

To the dates and registration form

Take advantage of our training programmes to optimally prepare for your annual talks:

Introductory training

In our half-day introductory training course for managers, you will work out in a small group

  • what benefits the annual talks can have for you and your employees,
  • how you can prepare, start and structure the meeting,
  • which discussion techniques can be helpful for you,
  • how you can respond to the communicative needs of your employees,
  • and how you can avoid typical mistakes when conducting a conversation.

In-depth workshop

Would you like to prepare even more intensively for your annual talks? In the in-depth workshop, you will learn specific discussion techniques, practise typical discussion situations in a small group and be prepared for dealing with difficult discussion situations.


Further information, dates and registration options can be found here.


Individual coaching

Are you already familiar with our coaching programme for academic managers and managers in technology and administration? Take advantage of our coaching programme to receive individual support for the professional implementation of your annual talks.

Con­tact us

If you have any questions, please contact the Staff Development team.

SG 4.5 Staff Development
Dr Johanna Braukmann
Tel: 3587