The Gen­er­al Equal Treat­ment Act (AGG)

The AGG protects against discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic background, gender, religion or world-view, disability, age or sexual identity.

The complete AGG text can be found here.

Pursuant to Section 61b of the German Labour Court Act (ArbGG), compensation claims on the basis of Section 15 AGG must be made within three months after the claim has been asserted in writing.

Section 61b of the ArbGG can be found here.


Official Complaints

Section 13 of the AGG entitles university staff members to lodge an official complaint to their workplace if they feel they have been discriminated against on one of the grounds listed above by their employer, superior, a colleague or third party in connection with their employment relationship.

Official complaints of this nature should be directed to the Human Resources Department.

Your contacts are

  • Mr. Jan Hendrik Ehrich (Room B1-320, Tel. 60-2810,
  • Ms. Eva-Maria Schulte (Room B1.317, Tel. 60-3565,