In­form­a­tion about em­ploy­ment as WHB

Attention: The English forms are only intended as instructions for completion. The forms are only to be filled in and submitted in the German version!

WHBs are students who have already successfully completed a university degree with a standard period of study of at least 6 semesters (e.g. a Bachelor's degree or a degree from a Fachhochschule) and who are employed to provide academic or artistic support.

General information:

Please print out documents double-sided if possible, punch holes and, for documents with more than one sheet, connect all sheets firmly!

Please submit complete applications in full to the HR department at least six weeks before the start of the contract. Timely processing may otherwise not be ensured. If the application is submitted late, we may have to postpone the start of employment, which in the worst case can lead to an interruption of employment for the assistant. Please be sure to therefore adhere to the lead times.

The countersigned employment contract, which becomes valid only after having been countersigned by the university, will be sent to the assistant by email after processing. It is important to ensure that the email address provided is correct.

The state office for salaries and pensions provides important information for student assistants with this information sheet.

[Please note that the display of the forms is optimized for viewing in MS Internet Explorer from version 9! In alternative internet browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc. the PDF files may need to be saved locally beforehand (right-click, then "save file as") and then opened in Adobe Reader or an alternative PDF viewer.]

Documents to be submitted by:

1. ) New Hires

  • WHB Application Form (one copy) / PDF           
  • WHB Contract Form (one copy) / PDF
  • WHB Instructions and Obligations Form / PDF
  • LBV Personal Information Form (LBV(A)26.20..) (2 copies) / PDF (Instructions for the completion of the Tax Features) / PDF
  • LBV Status Declaration Form for the determination of social security and supplementary pension (LBV(A)02.20..) (2 copies) /    PDF
  • Original current certificate of enrollment with the number of semesters and subject information
  • Copy of the examination certificate / diploma (2 copies)
  • Copy of the health insurance card or membership certificate from the health insurance company

2.) Reinstatement of employment after an interruption of at least one day

  • WHB Application Form (one copy) /   PDF                
  • WHB Contract Form (one copy) /  PDF
  • LBV Status Declaration Form for the determination of social security and supplementary pension (LBV(A)02.20..) (2 copies)  PDF
  • If applicable, original current certificate of enrollment with the number of semesters and subject information WORD 
    (Form “Declaration of Tax Features”)
  • Other documents only if there have been changes

    For employment interruption of more than one year:
  • LBV Personal Information Form (LBV(A)26.20..) (2 Copies) / PDF
    (Form “Declaration of Tax Features”)
  • Copy of the health insurance card or membership certificate from the health insurance company

3.) Continued Employment without Interruption

  • WHB Application Form (one copy) /   PDF                 
  • WHB Contract Form (one copy) /  PDF
  • If applicable, current certificate of enrollment with number of semesters and subject information
  • All other relevant documentation that have changed since initial contract

4.) Additional employment (= increase in total working hours) in the same or a different area ("2nd contract")

  • WHB Application Form (one copy) /  PDF         
    Note: Please only enter the data such as number of working hours or financing for the additional, i.e. second employment contract!
  • WHB Amendment Contract Form (one copy) / PDF   
    Note: Please only enter the data for the additional, i.e. second employment.
  • If applicable, current certificate of enrollment with number of semesters and subject information
  • All other relevant documentation that have changed since initial contract

5.) Reduction of total employment (working) hours

(Please note that an hourly reduction also requires a legally valid employment contract change. Agreements for the past are therefore not possible!)

  • SHK/WHB Application Form requesting a reduction of working hours (one copy)  PDF
  • Contract Form requesting a reduction of working hours (one copy) PDF

6.) Termination of Employment

  • Formless, timely notice of termination (effective at the end of the next month, e.g. termination on 20th of May will be effective on the 30th of June), or
  •  if this deadline cannot be met:  
    • Dissolution contract (two copies) with the signature of the assistant and approval of the supervisor / PDF
    • Brief informal explanation of why the employment relationship should be terminated


In addition to the documents requested above, the following evidence must only be submitted if applicable:

  • Declaration of Secondary Employment Form SHK/WHB / PDF
  • Certificate of employment from another German university administration regarding previous SHK, WHB or WHK employment (since these previous activities are to be counted towards the maximum employment period of 6 years)
  •  Residence permit with the right to work during studies or for EU citizens, copy of the identity card (employment is only possible up to the end of the residence permit)
  • Written approval of the WHB activity by the scholarship provider
  • Marriage certificate / birth certificate of the children
  • If applicable, application for exemption from the compulsory pension insurance for a low-paid job (mini-job)