Sup­ply in­form­a­tion - on­line ap­plic­a­tion pro­ced­ure

From 01.01.2021, civil servants of the state and the state's universities who have reached the age of 55 and in particularly justified cases will be legally entitled to receive pension information (§ 57 para. 10 LBeamtVG NRW).

For this purpose, the LBV NRW has set up an online application procedure, which is already being tested as part of a pilot project. Within the framework of this project, it should be possible for civil servants of the state and the state's universities who have reached the age of 55 by 01.01.2021 at the latest to submit an application for pension information.

If you will have reached the age of 55 by 01.01.2021 at the latest, you will have the opportunity to apply for a pension information.

If information is required because you intend to retire due to invalidity, you cannot participate in the online application process. Please contact the Human Resources Department, Section 4.2, directly with your request, regardless of your age.

It is also not possible to provide information required for construction financing in the online application procedure. In this case, please contact the LBV NRW directly with your request.

Before you start with the online application procedure, it is helpful to compile the documents listed in the checklist.

The application is submitted after prior registration via

You enter and submit the required data yourself as part of the online application process. After the data has been checked by the Personnel Department, Section 4.2, as your personnel administration department, the LBV NRW will carry out the pension assessment and issue the requested pension information.

Please inform your responsible personnel administrator if you have requested pension information via the online application procedure.

For further information, the LBV NRW has compiled processing aids for the online application procedure:

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your personnel officer in the Personnel Department - Section 4.2.