Pro­fess­or­i­al ap­point­ment man­age­ment at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Appointment procedure at Paderborn University

The appointment of professors is one of the most important tasks of Paderborn University. The professors we appoint are our most effective instrument when it comes to building our profile.  In line with our principle of selecting the best candidates based on merit, we look for scientists and academics who are outstanding both professionally and personally and who are highly motivated and committed to helping us shape the university in terms of research, teaching and self-governance and to compete at national and international level. In view of the large number of legal requirements, we aim to make the appointment procedure as transparent and speedy as possible.

If you have any questions regarding the appointment procedure, please contact Division 4.2, which assists with and supports all appointment procedures at Paderborn University and acts in an advisory capacity for the appointment committee.

Appointment Monitor

The following appointment monitor is intended to enable applicants to query the status of their appointment procedure at any time.

This is intended to increase the transparency of the process and provide adequate information on the overall status of the procedure.

Appointment monitor


Information for faculties

Here you will find information on preparing for and conducting the appointment procedure. More

Information for applicants

Here you will find information on the appointment procedure at Paderborn University. More

Information for candidates for appointment

Here you will find information on the appointment procedure at Paderborn University, as well as the relevant contact person details. More




Your contact persons for all appointment procedure-related issues:

Dunja Denecke,
B1-211, Tel.: +49 (0)5251 60-5361
Theresa Bickmann,
B1-203, Tel.: +49 (0)5251 60-2532