Im Chemieingenieurwesen bewegen Sie sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen Maschinenbau, technischer Chemie und Mathematik. Unser vielseitiger Masterstudiengang schlägt eine Brücke zwischen Naturwissenschaften und Maschinenbau. Wenn Sie sich also für naturwissenschaftliche und technische Zusammenhänge interessieren, und Ihre bisherigen Kenntnisse in diesen Bereichen vertiefen möchten, dürften Sie sich bei uns bestens aufgehoben fühlen.
Restricted admission means that there is a limited number of places available in the degree programme (NC = numerus clausus = closed number). As a rule, there are more applicants than places, therefore a selection procedure is used.
Free admission means that there are sufficient places available in the degree program. All applicants therefore receive an acceptance letter and are guaranteed enrollment if all enrollment requirements are met (e.g. aptitude tests, language tests or internships).
Abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium Chemieingenieurwesen oder Maschinenbau mit der Vertiefung Verfahrenstechnik an der Universität Paderborn oder gleichwertiger bzw. vergleichbarer Abschluss einer anderen Hochschule.
In den Masterstudiengang Chemieingenieurwesen kann nur eingeschrieben werden, wer eine berufspraktische Tätigkeit von insg. 6 Wochen nachweisen kann. Absolvent*innen des Bachelorstudiengangs Chemieingenieurwesen an der Universität Paderborn brauchen keine weitere berufspraktische Tätigkeit mehr nachzuweisen. Praktikumszeiten aus anderen bereits abgeschlossenen Studiengängen werden im Rahmen Ihrer Bewerbung geprüft.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass internationale Studierende (bevor sie mit dem eigentlichen Studium beginnen können) nachweisen müssen, dass Ihre Sprachkenntnisse für den gewählten Studiengang ausreichend sind. Akzeptierte Tests und konkrete Anforderungen finden Sie auf den Seiten des International Office.
Auf den zentralen Webseiten der Universität Paderborn Informationen zur Bewerbung erfahren Sie alles über Fristen und Ihre nächsten Schritte.
Internationale Bewerber*innen finden alle nötigen Informationen auf den Seiten des International Office und auf dieser Seite unter "Kontakt - Bewerbung für internationale Studierende".
Bitte prüfen Sie vorab die Zugangsvoraussetzungen.
Not quite right for you? One of our other study programs might be a better fit!
In addition to study-related content, Paderborn University offers you a lot more: for those eager to learn, for those seeking exchange and for all those who want to think outside the box. Learn and improve your language skills at the Center for Language Studies and brush up on your software skills with the courses offered by doIT. The servicecenter-medien offers special media workstations where you can let off steam creatively, and the university sports program ranges from American football to Zumba. Get involved with the university radio station L'UniCo or the university newspaper universal and become part of one of the many project groups or initiatives.
A regular theater program at our Studionbühne, slams and readings, Big Band and university choir are just a few examples of our diverse cultural offerings. A special highlight is our AStA summer festival: up to 15,000 people make the pilgrimage every year to what is probably Germany's largest outdoor campus festival and enjoy the summer party atmosphere with numerous local student bands as well as well-known headliners on various stages.
Almost all of Uni Paderborn's buildings are located on campus. There are green meadows to relax in and plenty of places to eat and drink: Mensa Academica and Mensa Forum, the Grill|Café and Café Bona Vista. Everything is within easy walking distance. Our library is also centrally located and is a great place to study thanks to its good opening hours.
Living in accomodations close to campus is possible: The Studierendenwerk Paderborn offers you places in halls of residence directly on campus or in the immediate vicinity. But you will also find what you are looking for on the usual accommodation portals: Both in the immediate vicinity of the university and city center, as well as in the individual Paderborn districts.
Costs and financing
Everyday student life offers you plenty of opportunities to work alongside your studies. However, BAföG or a scholarship are also options that you can use to cover your costs.
Advisory services
We have the right contact point for every concern. For example, our advisory and service facilities are available to answer your questions about academic work, career orientation and goal setting, funding opportunities and many other concerns.
Our university is an open-minded university that also takes a clear stance on gender and diversity. We have been actively promoting equal opportunities and a gender- and family-friendly work and study culture for many years. This includes support for a better balance between studying and family life as well as support for students with health impairments.
The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
We support prospective students in their choice of studies and in their decision to study. In addition, we advise students in all phases of their studies, especially in phases of reorientation.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Schmid
Phone: 05251/60-2404
Studierenden-Servicebüro der Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Praktikumskoordination Maschinenbau
· Informationen und Beratung zur Gestaltung des Praktikums
· Anrechnung von geleisteten Praktika
International Office
Fachschaftsrat Maschinenbau
Registrar’s Office
Please apply for this program, regardless of your nationality, via the Uni-Assist Online Portal, if you don't have a German University Entrance Qualification.
If you don't have the German citizenship, but have received your university entrance qualification from a German school inside or outside of Germany (= Bildungsinländer*innen), apply for the program directly at the online portal PAUL of the admissions office. (Please initially supply a grade of 4,0; follow further instructions by email after registration in the online system.)
Examination Office
Service Centre for Studying with Disabilities
We support you in balancing your studies and family life.