So­cial activ­it­ies

Welcome Reception

The Welcome Reception will take place on Wednesday, October 5, from 7 pm to 9 pm in the O building of Paderborn University. Use the opportunity to refresh old acquaintance and build new ones.

Guided tour, visit of the computer museum and evening event

On Thursday, October 6, you will have the opportunity to either participate on a guided city tour or to visit the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum. Busses will bring you from the venue to the place of your choice.

Later on, at around 7pm, we will meet for dinner at Gut Ringelsbruch which is situated outside of Paderborn. A bus transfer will be organized again. Around 11 pm busses will bring you back to the conference hotels B&B Hotel in the “Bahnhofstraße”, Best Western Premier Arosa Hotel, Campus Lounge in the “Mersinweg” and Welcome Hotel.

Guided city tour

Paderborn is a city in eastern North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, with a population of over 145,000 people. The name of the city derives from the river Pader (the river which runs through the city) and ‘born’, an old German term for the source of a river. The city has a lot of places of interest; the center alone contains more than twenty historical buildings of all architectural epochs. You will get to know the most important once during the guided city tour.

Vis­it of the Heinz Nix­dorf Mu­seums­For­um

The Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF) in Paderborn is the world’s largest computer museum, founded by the computer pioneer and entrepreneur Heinz Nixdorf himself. The 5,000-year history, present and future of information and communication technology is depicted in over 6,000 m2 of floorspace. A time travel describes an arc from the development of numbers and writing in Mesopotamia about 3000 before Christ up to as current topics like the internet, artificial intelligence and robotics.

Gut Ringels­bruch

Outside the city gates of Paderborn you will find Gut Ringelsbruch located in a forest, which welcomes you as guests. Enjoy the relaxing hours on the site of an estate built one hundred and fifty years ago built where wonderful ambience and warm hospitality make the stay a pleasure.